Cait Care

Schedule a 40 minute one-on-one call (or text chat) with Cait, offering you a death concierge in your pocket.

The call is a great space to ask your specific questions and can be on any of the following topics:

  • Becoming a Death Worker

  • Suicide - anything about this topic

  • General Death Education/Needs

Aware Care Library

This digital library equips you with suicide information, links, digital mental health tools, and supportive PDF’S on the topic delivered right to your inbox, monthly.

Upon joining you will receive access to past content.

Plus, library members gain access to a Discord community of members who are talking about all facets of suicidality.


Shop here for your unique and transformative tools on suicide.

Become a library member and receive many of these downloads inside the content library, plus, special discounts for purchasing.

Death Fears Die Here

A 7 day, 1:1 cocoon to help you transform your fears of death.

Through making meaning of this life, looking at your relationships here on this earth, cultivating a personal relationship between you and death, exploring your relationships with suffering, and completing essential paperwork to create a solid connection between life and death this is possible.

Eventbrite Events

Weekly + monthly peer-to-peer support spaces held on a range of topics head to Cait’s Eventbrite dashboard to see upcoming community time.

Aware Care Library members get instant access to these peer spaces via the event link in the member-only Discord.

Speaking Engagements

Cait is available to speak and educate at your school, program, retreat, course, etc. on a range of topics under the death care umbrella.

Cait’s ability to make death digestible, from a place free of fear, is a gift to the audiences she steps in front of.